Heated Issues Piling Up
Lost track of when this heatwave started but had a kind of mini heat stroke last night and ended up puking up – thankfully, not while in bed. Feels awful at the time but actually is quite healing. I certainly slept heavily. But heat of one sort or another keeps coming.
There are multiple forms of heat right now – the actual heat wave, illegals arriving in wave after wave with the Govt doing pretty much nothing bar giving them 4* hotel holidays. A deep recession just kicking off. People still believing Covid 19 is on a par with the Black Death – adding to economic and health woes.
American politics – the hatred for Trump is unhinged and unreal. Some Brexit groundhogging – mostly from REUmainians who are now ‘Rejoiners’ and are as looping and stupid as they have been over the last 4+ years. I try to avoid them.
Then there is a particular kind of black yet again doing themselves no service at all. In America it is justifying weeks and weeks of rioting and looting. Here, they have taken a break from pulling down statues to whine about colour charts or racial profiling (through tinted windows) and so much more that it would take up the entire post to log them all.
Such inferiority complexes just play right into the hands of those who think blacks in general are inferior. Wiser black heads must speak louder to shut down these vexatious pillocks before there really are race wars.
(I don’t feel we are anywhere near that and even the KKK mentality is minimal. They are mostly as thick as well, so few want to be associated with them.)
Not forgetting the usual personal criticism referencing my spiritual journey bio. To these plankton, ‘spiritual’ is on a par with sainthood. It’s not. Am currently working on a new Wise El to explain. Not that it would make much difference. Even people who appear to be interested in me cannot be bothered to read what I am about – even with links provided :>(
Or my pre-emptive strike why I – born here but clearly ethnically different – feel the need to mention Dad’s 35+ years in the Royal Air Force. If I have to explain why, which I have had to, then these people are part of the problem – totally lacking in empathy for all those caught in the middle of inferior blacks and inferior whites squabbling.
Seems even God is fed up with illegals as there was an earthquake in the English Channel – felt in East Sussex. (That was a *joke*.)
Seriously, these illegals come here using criminal means, are allowed to stay – and then piss off home for holidays. Some do their damndest to turn the UK into a reflection of the places they ran away from.
And yes they are almost all from That Ideology – quickly getting positions of power and influence to change us and our culture instead of knuckling down, re-paying us and integrating harmoniously.
When are we going to get a Govt that kicks out these fake asylum seekers and illegals permanently before the entire country has changed to look like the Islamic s’holes they have left?
Dear Lord. Just read a suicide note from an FBF. Hopefully, it is another cry for help but it seems like the problems are piling up again with the shiny happy stuff being taken away – access to his son, loss of his job. Can only send healing vibes.
Meanwhile a tweet from me in March about Cadwalladr’s usual overblown response has got the loonies out again. Muted. What is it with these plankton that they cannot read basic English?
Bart C posted this morning about ‘reality’ – that there were his thoughts and there is reality outside of them. My reply was that reality is pronounced or reduced or even denied by the thoughts that do go round inside one’s own head. And that you have only to read the comments of a good many about illegals or Brexit or CV19.
What might be blindingly obvious to some is not even remotely recognised by others.
Have muted the responses but they were along the lines of ‘I’m alright Jack’. Of course my tweet was personal, but the over-reaction – which some still favour – has kicked off this deep recession. Many more have died thanks to Covid 19 – not because of it or from it. But the planks still cannot see that.
Back to perceptions of reality.
Meanwhile it is less sauna-like now. Still wearing bikini bottoms and sarong as coolest choices though.