Wise El God pulling strings
Four plus Covid months with BLM running riot, felling statues, erasing Western history and causing racial divisions that are far more worrying than Brexit; police kneeling to thugs and a Communist ideology, yet ignoring actual crime; Muslim migrants freely swarming in and making ever greater demands to a supine government….
When both Trump and Boris J have been forced to wear masks when both are well-known individualists and libertarians, you have to ask who exactly is pulling the strings globally?
It is clear those in pretend power do not actually believe it themselves which is why so many of them have been breaking their own rules. The excuses given to work on our minds have changed from thinking of the elderly to the NHS to whatever the latest guilt-trip is – aided by the usual helpful idiots.
Why mandatory masks now when Covid-19 is well past its prime (though as it is similar to flu there will no doubt be a second spike in the winter)?
Mandatory masks will kill off small shops and possibly the High Street – just when the economy needs a jump start and a clear road – not yet more obstacles.
When Covid-19 deaths, or those we are told were caused by it, are decreasing in numbers, we were told face coverings were unnecessary. There again, at the so-called height of the pandemic BLM and other assorted insurgents did exactly what they wanted with no police interference. The rest of us law-abiding types did the right thing.
It’s clear – to me at any rate – that persons unknown -and certainly not this Government or even Dominic Cummings – are giving out the orders. Unfortunately for them, the real British nature is to be law-abiding till provoked badly then to be just as bolshy.
Staggeringly contradictory advice continues to be chucked at us so I live in hope that wiser heads are hoping the saner amongst us will read between the lines.
So who IS pulling the strings of those in power? Boris J and Starmer are no different right now and Sturgeon is a one trick pony who wouldn’t know what to do with an independent Scotland if it was gifted to her with bells on.
I see a lot of conspiracy theories in my various feeds and, while intrigued, am not totally sold. Now, with this latest senseless edict, I am beginning to believe more malign forces might be at work.
Most of those dying (allegedly) from Covid-19 have been elderly, ill, infirm, obese, or with particular ethnic issues lowering their immune systems. The vast proportion of the public, including me, would and probably have caught and pooped out the virus without realising it.
Of course, I feel for those who have lost relatives and friends. Immensely tragic for them. Yet life doesn’t come with a get out clause. We all die at some stage. Many when young, like Eugene, my brother, or Katie, my great-niece.
People of all ages die suddenly and to be taken by Covid-19 is, sadly, the luck of the draw as many elderly, ill and infirm have caught it and survived.
During the multiple BLM/Antifa/Marxist protests, weekend raves and block parties, over-crowded beaches enjoying our rare sunshine, almost no-one wore a mask.
So why now? And why just for shopping – the very thing that the economy needs people to do – spend money.
Dark Ages Muslim Migration
We do appear to be in some kind of Dark Ages.
Muslim Migration
Muslim migration of the illegal kind has been going through the roof aided and abetted by Border Farce. But are they grateful? Not a bit of it. Whining about free food, free accommodation, free money – and then free housing when they are given preference above homeless vets and other indigenous.
This is a group that provably refuses to integrate and will no doubt in time declare UDI in the towns and cities they dominate.
They are also a Covid-19 high-risk group.
So why are thousands more being let in?
This is the TORY Party in power with an 80-seat majority. This is the so-called party of law and order and business, of lowering immigration. So what the heck are they doing?
Global Reset
I am a natural optimist, but Bart C is right:
“… recognise the level of decay that already exists.. great achievements of the past two and a half thousand years are under threat .. An astonishing economic complacency, the belief that the bubble will never burst, holds sway. A cultural reset or counter revolution would require a thorough purge of all existing institutions. It would require a bonfire of the quangos, a decimation of the post holders, a swift and merciless dismissal of thousands of individuals from positions of authority.”
On point again.
That said I now feel only some kind of major disaster will enable any reset. And, since asteroids tend to just miss us, that might well be a controlled (?) nuclear war.
Dark Ages Cultural Erasing
The loudest voices are those of minorities. Minorities, incidentally, who are uneasy bedfellows. Muslims and gays, let alone trans? Muslims do not even tolerate different sects within their own ideology. Wait till they pick on those who are usually chucked off roofs or stoned to death.
Identity politics
And yet, for now, identity politics are a useful way for these minorities to gang together.
The umbrella of Marxism galvanises this motley bunch into the rioters and serial whingers on social media.
Racial Divisions
Malevolent whites (and blacks) and blinkered blacks (and whites) have been turning back the clock on racial divisions during this so-called Covid Crisis. The government has done bugger all to calm things down allowing these vandals to rip apart the country.
Knee Jerks
Categorically, I will never be a ‘knee jerk’. I genuflect to my God and only my God.
GF Mania
I am still somewhat shocked that a serial criminal who threatened a pregnant woman with a gun to her belly has received – and is still receiving a level of sanctification that Pope John Paul might envy.
The BBC is a joke spewing propaganda through every orifice. Thank God I opted out of paying for a licence four years ago.
But they, like all MSM as well as the Govt, seem to be trying to force-feed a particular left-wing Marxist, divisive message on us.
BLM seem to be pursuing a race war, to defund the police (who kneel to them!) and dismantle the prison system. No surprises there given the prison population generally. But why is ANY Govt allowing them to rip whole nations to shreds?
Free Speech With Consequences
Be free to speak about anything (possibly) but not to act – certainly not without consequences. That clearly means words urging violent actions by others should have harsh returns.
And why does funding from George Soros keep cropping up? “George Soros’s Open Society Foundation has given BLM over £26million to date.” (cf Karen Harradine)
Meanwhile, the only ones who do get their collars felt are the easy targets. A harsh word out of place on social media, a piece of bacon outside a mosque.
We are definitely entering a Dark Ages for personal freedoms.
No Conclusions
Life is so totally weird that I have no gut feelings about anything bar being personally protected in some way.
Will Brexit come with strings as well?
How will BLM, Antifa, ER and others be shut down without more violent acts?
Will the wheel turn to far-right dictatorship?
What is the point of all this?
It does make me wonder why I bother – writing, painting, campaigning.