Wise El alphabet
Unusually, I slept very badly, not helped by having to get up early to pick up a prescription. But I was up and out by 09:30 and, despite the drizzle and the car needing a long run, I decided to walk. It’s been over a fortnight since I was last out and I have been getting a touch of cabin fever.
There was some stress at the thought of going into the chemist and being asked for my life history or whatever, but it was surprisingly quick and painless. In and out in minutes.
Popped into Sainsbury’s as walking to Rustington High Street in the drizzle was a madness too much. I definitely love the distances in supermarket queues – no trollies shoved into the backs of my legs by impatient shoppers, but yappers still hogged aisles yapping away.
There were half a handful of people wearing masks and gloves – so neurotic they even avoided glancing at anyone as if just making eye contact would make them instantly collapse with Covid.
Popped into The Lamb on my way back – not actually sure of the time – and the guy sitting on his own missed my joke (would I have to give a pint of blood and my inside leg measurement to come inside). No. And they have no app or anything apart from pre-booking for dinner.
Not yet open, so headed home.
I felt I had been out much longer, but it was less than two hours walking the 2 miles there, waiting and shopping and waiting again – then walking back. Not bad.
On the other hand, it is very gloomy out. Overcast and not cheery at all.
Getting a bit harsh with not accepting FBFs. No more ego-propping. Paradoxically, have been unfriended by some with massive egos who presumably did not get enough or any attention. Social media continues to be a very superficial level of friendship – which is fine, as long as I don’t forget that.
Meanwhile blabbermouth liberals are at last discovering that they too can be ‘cancelled’ for voicing opinions that other lefties do not like. Such a bunch of loathsome warts.
And, in other news, this is now the 3rd or 4th time a black female Twit has referred to me as ‘Karen’. Am guessing it is not going to just refer to ‘white women’ in this catchment but anyone who doesn’t sing from the BLM hymn book.
Watched The Alcasser Murders the other day and was reminded of the mad things I have done – like getting into a car with several men in the early hours after I had left a party and was walking back alone to my then residence in central London. They did say to me do you feel like being raped. And I replied ‘Not today, thanks’.
They then dropped me off outside the students’ rooms wishing me well.
Darker thoughts about global resets, racial divides, communism and Islam will have to wait for when I am less tired.