Can Queen Camilla Ever Be A Symbol Of Unity?

The Monarchy is a symbol of national unity. Despite the PR offensive gathering steam, Camilla continues to divide rather than create harmony. In this provocative article, the author questions whether Camilla would make a good Queen.
Some think the Royal Family is little more than a tourist attraction. Others treat their lives like a real life soap opera. While the younger royals might amuse or annoy, the main role of a modern monarch is to unite. The monarchy is a symbol of national unity. A good monarch should not only motivate and lift morale, they should be a person who inspires respect. It follows then that they should set a good example. To be king or queen is not a reward. It is a responsibility and a duty. Despite the continuing PR offensive, can it really be said that Camilla is a unifying force for good? Is she someone who inspires respect? (Continued) Total Word Count 1637

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